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Free "Spells" - Energy Channeling


I am not a firm beliver in "spells" so to speak, but these chants with some good energy channeling or meditation can really work when done right.  The reason I dont like to call them spells is that I dont want it to be misleading.  You can not mess with another persons free will, and if you could well it sounds a bit dangerous.  


Below you find a simple version of Attracting Love and Fertility Spell.  A simple tarot deck will be needed.  You can also add candles for example you would want to use a red candle for love.  You could also rub your head and pat your stomach at the same time (being funny here)  but the main goal  is  channeling your energy and focusing your thoughts to help open your path and affect your actions as well as how people respond to you.   This is not something that is simple for everybody, infact it took me some time to be able to do so.  If you find you are having trouble or would like more guidance I can help you.  I can also use my cards if you do not have your own A simple 10 minute session would be plenty of time for me to tap in and help you channel your energy to get you on the path of what it is you want.


Love Spell - Attract Love

If you attempt to use this on a specific person there is a chance you will be dissappointed but if you keep an open mind and are truly ready for what the universe has in store for you, then this will be an eye opener.  You will need 3 cards: Star, Knight of water/cups, The Lovers card.  spread these cards out while you are looking at them closely.  Picture what it is you want in a partner.  The way you want this person to treat you, make you smile, hold your hand, make you feel etc.  Picture yourself shutting the door on past hurts and moving forward with the knowledge of all you have to offer.  You will not settle for less that you desrve.  When you truly feel you have tapped in you can start to repeat this chant while continuing to focus on your desires.

I call upon all good spirits

I call upon all good forces

I call upon the wide ruling power

Make smooth they way that my love may be brought to me


Now the phone is not going to start ringing of the hook and random men or women are not going to be throwing themselves at you.  But your path is now open.  You will see more opportunity and others will notice a change in your actions.  Actions is key you need to work with it or your energy will regress to the state you were in before.







Fertility Spell - 


This works the same as the love spell but you will focus on your desire to be a mother.  See yourself being nuturing.  Praise yourself for the hard work you have done and think about how much of yourself you will pour into a new child to love.  Again you will not wake up pregnant but it will help.  The three cards you need for this are: Empress, 3 of cups/water, Ace of wands/fire.


I call upon the good and helpful powers

I desire to start/grow my family

I desire energy and love to continue

We are ready to love our children

We are ready to teach our children

We are ready to have our children

So it is so it shall be



I can help with either of these in a short ten minute session. 


Will he come back to me?  How can I have more positive thoughts?  When will I meet someone?  Will I ever find my dream job?  Find the answer to these questions and more.  Have a psychic reading and/or tarot reading with Christa today.


I can not replace a medical professional.  Nothing is ever set in stone. Your thoughts and your actions are what guide your future.   Use a psychic reading as a tool to gain clarity and guidance to stay on the right path and fulfill your full potential.

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